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You can make Glimpse your own by configuring its key bindings.

To allow maximum flexibility, Glimpse let you configure its menu by using javascript.

To edit the default configuration file, press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and search for Glimpse: Configure.

After editing the configuration file, you need to reload the window for the changes to take effect. To do so, press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and search for Developer: Reload Window, or press q r from Glimpse.

Configuration examples

In the following sections, there are some examples of what you can do with the configuration file. Remember that you can use any javascript code, so the sky is the limit!

Also, take a look at the keys repository directory to take inspiration from the default configuration.

Add a key binding to the top menu

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
name: "Auto Fix",
key: "a",
icon: "lightbulb",
command: "editor.action.autoFix",

return menu;

The command property should be the command ID of the command you want to run.

To know all the available commands and their IDs:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and search for Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • Search for the command you are interested in.
  • Right-click on the command and select Copy Command ID.

Add a key binding a submenu

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
const errorMenu = subMenu(menu, "e");
name: "Auto Fix",
key: "a",
icon: "lightbulb",
command: "editor.action.autoFix",

return menu;

* @param { UserMenu } userMenu
* @param { string } key
* @returns { UserMenu }
function subMenu(menu, key) {
for (const item of menu.items) {
if (item.key === key && "menu" in item) {
throw new Error(`No submenu for key ${key}`);

Delete a key from a menu

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
deleteKey(menu, "*");
return menu;

* Delete a key from a menu
* @param { UserMenu } userMenu
* @param { string } key
* @returns { UserMenu }
function deleteKey(userMenu, key) {
userMenu.items = userMenu.items.filter((item) => item.key !== key);

Sorting menu items alphabetically

Symbols and numbers first:

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
// edit menu
name: "Auto Fix",
key: "a",
icon: "lightbulb",
command: "editor.action.autoFix",

// Sort menu
menu.items.sort((a, b) => a.key.localeCompare(b.key));

return menu;

Letters first:

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
menu.items.sort((a, b) => alphabeticalLettersFirst(a.key, b.key));

return menu;

function alphabeticalLettersFirst(a, b) {
if (isKeyLetter(a) && !isKeyLetter(b)) {
return -1;
} else if (!isKeyLetter(a) && isKeyLetter(b)) {
return 1;
} else if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) {
return -1;
} else if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

function isKeyLetter(key) {
return (key >= "a" && key <= "z") || (key >= "A" && key <= "Z");

Overwrite the entire menu

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
return {
items: [
name: "Auto Fix",
key: "a",
icon: "lightbulb",
command: "editor.action.autoFix",

Edit a key

module.exports = function editConfig(menu) {
getKey(menu, "c").icon = "arrow-left";
return menu;

* @param { UserMenu } userMenu
* @param { string } key
* @returns { UserMenu }
function getKey(menu, key) {
for (const item of menu.items) {
if (item.key === key) {
return item;
throw new Error(`No key ${key}`);


Keys have an optional icon property. You can use any icon from codicon.

See also VSCode icons docs.